Big Bear sez...
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Ranger Tip:
A hat and/or sunglasses are good items to help protect your eyes during the daytime!
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The Ranger Community

pic of Danger Ranger

Ranger Organization

Ensuring that Burning Man participants enjoy the festival safely is a huge task. Therefore we have divided up this enormous responsibility amongst a group of incredibly committed individials to make sure the tasks are well done and to help make these responsibilities all the more enjoyable.
Following is a list of people and their responsibilities within the Black Rock Ranger community.

Danger Ranger, Founder & Visionary

Big Bear, Ranger Director
"A Word from Our Leader"

BATs: Burn Activities Team

(Manager TBA), Performance Liaison & BAT Manager

    Tuba, BAT Assistant

Emergency Services

Baker 18, Emergency Services Coordinator

    Communications Branch


    Medical Branch


    Fire/Rescue Branch


    Crisis Intervention Branch


Ranger Logistics

Houston, Ranger Logistics Manager

    Tuba, Ranger Logistics Assistant

    Digger, Newsletter

    (Manager TBA), Database Manager

    Lexica, Ranger Information

    Pirate, Social Coordinator

    (Manager TBA), Ranger Outreach


Boggmann, Operations Manager

    Captains as Shift Commanders

    Death Valley Kelly (DVK)

    Fearless, Desert Patrol

    Jersey 1


    Lycos, Rave Liaison

    Medic 4

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